October 16, 2024

Write For Us!

write for us

Are you a passionate writer and looking for platforms to serve? Then you are in the right place. Quote Ghar started accepting guest post articles on technology topics. We are inviting digital marketers and passionate writers to write for us and share their unique ideas with us. If you have a unique idea, story, or opinion for us, you can share. We will be happy to grow with you. Quote Ghar is compelling guest articles on topics like technology, digital marketing, finance, investment, lifestyle, entertainment, fashion, health, travel, relationships, and quotes. You can also contribute with us on the quotes topics like morning or evening quotes, birthday quotes, relationship quotes, and more like that.

If you have expertise in any of the above topics, we would love to collaborate with you and want to share your knowledge with our audience. Now expand your outreach, grow your business, and work with us on a highly professional platform.

Guidelines for Guest Posts on Technology

Firstly, Thanks for showing interest in writing for us on QuoteGhar. Secondly, we have some guidelines for collaboration and contribution.

Your article must fall into our related categories.

Technology, Business, Finance, Investment

Internet, SEO, Digital Marketing, Gadgets

Internet Marketing, Content Marketing

Lifestyle, Travel, Fashion, Health

Entertainment, Gaming, Relationships

Morning Quotes, Birthday Quotes, Business Quotes

Note: Please note that we are not accepting gambling, vaping, drugs, or adult-related topics on websites for links.

Content Guidelines:

  1. Only fresh, unique, and well-written articles can be considered. Make sure it is not published elsewhere and we check Copyscape and Google before publishing.
  2. The post should be 750 to 2500 words.
  3. One feature image is necessary but it must be copyright-free.
  4. SEO is an important aspect that must be followed. Your article must meet Yoast SEO guidelines and the readability of the article must be good.
  5. One link in 550 words is ideal and a maximum of 2 do-follow links are allowed.
  6. Last but not least, please write worth linking articles because in the future we may link back to your article for internal linking.

Note: We are selective about posts or articles that we publish. As we care for our readers and our main goal is to spread positivity in our articles. So, your article must be well-written, unique, informative, and interesting.

Share Article:

You can share your well-written and unique article with us via email. Your email must have the proper subject of purpose otherwise we ignore the email. Our mailbox receives a flood of emails daily so we do have not enough time to read bad subject emails. You can send us a pitch or submit a guest post article on info(@)quoteghar(.)com to get an immediate response. Contact us to write for us today!

Happy Writting!

Quote Ghar,